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full stack solutions with low code
using your existing programming skills
Use an online integrated low code productivity and quality suite that enables developers at any proficiency level to visually design models, write low code once accurately and efficiently across different architectural layers, validate your code and build applications and software products for multiple platforms fast
Online IDE
Build modern full stack web applications with an integrated low code productivity and quality suite
Generate compile and build source code for multiple programming languages and technologies
Online IDE
Modular layered architecture driven design
zAppDev employs low code design models to divide the application into layers which are used to manage the interdependencies between the source code of the generated application and its architectural structure. This in turn ensures that there is no loss of productivity at any time during the development process
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Discover and reuse application logic with AI
zAppdev uses a graph-based repository to store and analyse low code programs and models, in order to produce accurate recommendations about missing or underdeveloped features of your software. This enhances both the productivity and the feature-completeness of the produced low-code systems
Full Screen
• Simple & Clean Design, Lightweight, Easy & Fast
• Helpful for beginners
• It can be accessed anytime and anywhere with internet connection
Online IDE
Code, Compile & run your code with the zAppDev online IDE.
Generate compile and build source code for multiple programming languages and technologies
Online IDE
What you can do with zAppDev
All you need to start developing is a computer running a web browser. Just sign in to your zappdev account and become instantly productive through visual and code editors, intelligence, refactoring tools, wizards and more.
Focus on Business Logic
Create innovative applications by visual modeling and collaborative development. Eliminate silos, while keeping your operational costs at a minimum.
Integrate with existing technologies & platforms
Enable instant, secure and seamless communication across external systems and services.
End-to-end security in numerous mode
Ensure security, compliance and reliability.
Collaboration & source control
Experience a unique, collaborative environment, working with Business Analysts, Stakeholders, Developers and Clients.
COOL programming
Use a C like Object Oriented language that will help you forget about implementation details and focus on Business problems
Unlimited extensibility & customization
A "Why not both?" solution to the "custom VS ready-to-use" dilemma.
Online low code tools designed to produce optimum experience
Use the latest programming trends, software technologies and industry standards out of the box with zero dependency on proprietary software
Modern Design
Software development is an industry characterised by a constant rapid evolution. New frameworks, tools and practises keep arising, rendering the previous outdated and old fashioned. Design your application with zAppDev and let our developers undertake the task to keep up with the latest industry trends and incorporate them into the available implementation strategies.
Focus on Business Logic
zAppDev hides unneeded technical complexity so that you can focus on satisfying specifications and requirements
Design your application once and never bother again to refactor it to use the latest frameworks and tools. Just build it again and everything will run flawlessly
Always up-to-date
zAppDev implementation strategies are regularly updated, incorporating state of the art tools, frameworks and practices
Smart Programming
zAppDev introduces Mamba language to redefine the way modern applications are coded. Developers may now focus on implementing business logic, workflows and processes without wasting time on complex low-level code. Mamba boosts productivity and intelligent design while decreasing the time required for maintenance, testing and debugging.
A single Mamba command corresponds to hundreds or even thousands of code lines written in a “traditional” language
Boost your productivity with syntax highlighting, intellisense, detailed documentation and code samples
No learning curve
Mamba uses familiar, c-like syntax so that developers feel like home from the first moment. Model interaction is performed seamlessly in an easy, object-oriented way
Agile Automation
Agile development is promoted throughout zAppDev. Comprehensive visual editors enable the collaborative work of cross-functional teams, that can review each aspect of the application and follow its implementation and evolution. The whole process can be described in three simple and quick steps: Design - Build - Run.
Access Control
Team members access and review applications under different levels of editing rights, which can be configured in a built-in module available to team administrators.
Applications are designed using visual editors that except from boosting productivity, allow non-technical team members to review and actively contribute with their expertise to the project.
We understand that achieving perfect results, requires many design - build - run cycles. That’s why we have optimized the build process to minimize the time and effort needed to review, test and update your application.
Continuous Evolution
zAppDev contains all the necessary tools to help your team through the whole lifecycle of a project. Even after the initial delivery, receiving logs and implementing new features according to user feedback is a simple process. Use the visual editors to update your models, build the application and deploy it to your sandbox environment with a single click. When your testing phase is complete, effortlessly build and deploy the new, production-ready version.
Intelligent Version Control
Keep your models safe and archived with zAppdev’s built-in version control system. Although it is based on the powerful git protocol, everything is wrapped-up in a few user-friendly automated operations.
Quick Deploy
Define multiple deployment environments and tweak a variety of settings for each of them. Automatically deploy your application to the desired environment with just click.
All user-triggered actions that affect critical data are audited and can be reviewed by the application’s administrator, who has full control over the auditing rules.
Creative Intelligence
Human intelligence is the capacity for knowing and learning. Creative intelligence is a vital dimension of that capacity. zAppDev, through its unique toolset, dramatically enhances the creativity of every stakeholder involved in the development of an application, while pushing the limits of their design intelligence. That’s why every application crafted with zAppDev is unique in terms of creativity and design, yet intelligent in terms of implementation and sustainability.
Unique Look and Feel
Combine your creativity with zAppDev to deliver unique applications. Use the intuitive Theme Editor to customize every graphical element with a few clicks to create a unique look and feel.
Responsive UI
Create the ideal user interface for your clients using the visual Form Editor by combining and tweaking responsive widgets.
zAppDev development requires little-to-zero experience, that’s why users can be instantly productive. Developers have access to detailed documentation, accompanied by tutorials, articles and code samples that will make them zAppDev experts in no-time.
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